You'll be fishing on a beautiful 27 ft baha gle. You'll enjoy breathtaking sun rises and sunsets. The boat is well equipped with gps ,fish finders,am fm radio,marine radio, electric planner boards,there is a head bathroom on board, I supply all the fishing gear . I have been fishing lake erie for 27 years .we also offer fish cleaning, taxidermy replica mounts for your trophy fish if desired.I do let clients get involved in setting lines ,netting fish if they desire, Lake erie is the walleye capital of the world ,but that's not the only fish in the lake . Over the years we have caught walleye,perch,steelhead, kingsalmon ,lake trout,huge catfish, I even caught a Great Lakes spotted Muskie , So that being said you never know when your going to catch a fish of a life time.So come fish with us on the Tater baiter and become a walleye assin.