Book your next outdoor adventure now with Clint’s Guide Service. Experience "catching with Capt. Clint." Clint is a full time 365 days a year fishing guide that strives to ensure you have the best experience and best chance possible to have an amazing and electric fishing experience.
Clint’s Guide Service targets white bass (sandies), hybrid striper, and catfish on Lake Lewisville.
Everything you need is taken care of: Clint’s Guide Service provides all rods, reels, bait, and tackle. All safety equipment is on the boat as well. If small children will be attending the trip please check with the Captain on a suitable lifejacket to accommodate.
Trips are typically 4-5 hours and after the trip Clint will clean, fillet, and bag your days catch, sending you home with delicious fillets!
Alcohol is permitted on the boat, however NO glass bottles are allowed as a safety precaution.
Only thing you need to bring is:
1. A smaller cooler with drinks/snacks and to bring home your days catch.
2. A valid Texas fishing license for those 17 and up. (these can be purchased online or at most Wal-marts and Academy"