Deepstar Charters welcomes you aboard to spend the day fishing for delicious reef fish and highly-prized offshore species on a safe, dependable boat with a skilled skipper. Jump aboard at either Tauranga or Mount Maunganui, depending on the trip, and head out in search of Snapper, Tarakihi, Hapuka, and more. You can invite the whole street over for lunch after one of these trips!
The “Deepstar” is a classic Carey Boats commercial fishing vessel, painstakingly-restored in 2016 and equipped with a new pair of Gardner engines to get you out to the fishing grounds in no time. The boat can carry up to 20 anglers in comfort, or 10 on Hapuka trips. She has a full bathroom, showers, and comfortable accommodations for longer trips.
Depending on your charter, you could be fishing the local waters around Motiti Island or heading all the way out to Mayor Island. Local reef trips target Tarakihi, Snapper, John Dory, Trevally, Pink Moamoa, and more. Book in for a 24-hour adventure, and you can catch all these reef fish then head out and land Hapuka, Bluenose, Seabass, and Gemfish!
Bring your own fishing gear along, or rent from the boat for a reasonable fee. Rods, reels, and tackle cost $20-$25 per rod for bottom fishing or $30 for Hapuka gear. Bait can also be arranged for $20-$25, depending on the trip.
What Deepsea Charters offers is a great boat with cutting-edge electronics and a full array of safety equipment. They will put you on the fish reliably and securely. So if you want a day of great fun and big hookups, jump aboard and head out to sea, all your favorite fish are waiting!