Catfish Fishing: The Complete Guide

Dec 16, 2024 | 9 minute read Comments
Reading Time: 9 minutes

Catfish are often ignored and not as appreciated as they should be. They get lumped in with other “rough fish” and are even sometimes forgotten about. But for those in the know, they’re game fish worthy of being listed with the best of them. And we’re here to show you what Catfish fishing is all about. Keep on reading and find out how to catch a monster Catfish.

A photo of an angler standing on a charter boat and posing with a huge Blue Catfish he caught in the Upper Chesapeake Bay in Maryland
Photo courtesy of Bay Raider Outfitters LLC 

In this guide, you’ll learn everything from catfishing basics, like telling species apart, to more advanced theories on where, when, and how to bring in a trophy fish. We’ll also make sure to include a section on the rules and regulations surrounding your hunt, providing useful links. Check it all out below!

What are you interested in?

People assume all Catfish are the same, even though they vary just as much as Trout and Bass. So, the first thing you need to know about catching them is that there’s more than one kind. You wouldn’t use the same tactics for a Steelhead as a Lake Trout, so knowing which Cat you’re targeting is your key to success.

A smiling woman wearing a cap and white T-shirt while standing on a charter boat at night and holding a Flathead Catfish in both hands, with nothing but darkness behind her.
Flathead Catfish
A photo featuring three anglers, two adults and a kid, standing on a charter boat and smiling while posing with a Blue Catfish they caught after learning how to catch Catfish
Blue Catfish
A photo of an angler standing on a charter boat in sunglasses and his hood on while holding a Channel Catfish with a fishing net on the left and water on the right
Channel Catfish

Anglers target three main species of Catfish in the US: Flathead Catfish, Blue Catfish, and Channel Catfish. Here’s a brief overview of what to expect from each:

  • Flathead Catfish. These Cats are solitary, hard to find, and put up a serious fight once you hook them. Flathead Catfish are probably the toughest Catfish to catch. They live throughout the Mississippi, Missouri, and Ohio River basins and show up between North Dakota and Erie, and from the Florida Panhandle into Mexico. Flatheads usually max out at around 100 pounds, but monsters have tipped the scales at 120 pounds in the past. They’re easy to tell apart from other species, with a long body and a flattened head (hence the name).
  • Blue Catfish. These Cats are the biggest and most prized of America’s Catfish. They can grow to mammoth sizes, with the all-tackle record weighing in at an incredible 143 pounds. The great thing about Blue Cats is that they’re not as solitary as Flatheads. This makes for a much more action-packed fishing trip. They live in the same range as Flatheads but are usually limited to deeper waters in lakes and main river sections. They like to hang out around strong currents where they wait to ambush their prey.
  • Channel Catfish. A lot smaller than their blue and flat-headed cousins, Channel Catfish usually don’t top 20 pounds, and anglers are more looking for numbers than size when targeting them. You do get the occasional monster, though, with fish in the 50 lb range. While not the biggest Cats on the block, they do get around. You can catch Channel Cats pretty much everywhere east of the Rocky Mountains and well into both Mexico and Canada. You can also differentiate them from Blues by their more rounded tails and fewer rays on their anal fins.

These aren’t the only Cats out there, however. Bullhead Catfish and White Catfish are equally intriguing species in North America, whereas Wels Catfish are all the rage in Europe. Meanwhile, Giant Mekong Catfish dominate many fisheries in Asia.

Reasons to Fish for Catfish

Catfish grow huge, taste great, and put up a heck of a fight. What’s not to love about them? Let’s dig deeper into their traits and see exactly what makes anglers go after them…

A photo featuring three anglers, two adults and a child, standing on a charter boat and posing with a decent-sized Blue Catfish caught in Texas with F.L. Catfish Fishing Guide
Photo courtesy of F.L. Catfish Fishing Guide

Here’s a list of our top five reasons to go Catfish fishing… We’re looking forward to reading yours in the comment section below the article!

  • Game quality. Massive, stubborn, and strong, Catfish possess all the qualities you look for in your angling opponents – and they also grow to brag-worthy trophy sizes as well. Don’t believe us? Go ahead and try wrestling a 100 lb Blue or play tug-of-war with a fierce Flathead on hook and line! You’ll quickly realize you need to up your game if you want to outsmart and outpower them.
  • Variety. The beauty of fishing for Catfish is that you have options. You can target multiple varieties or specialize in going after one species only, which isn’t a small feat and may take a lifetime until you perfect your approach. You won’t lack rivals with beasts such as Blue, Flathead, Channel, White, and Bullhead Catfish available.
  • Expertise. Catfish fishing isn’t reserved solely for seasoned anglers. Beginners are welcome to try their luck at landing these monsters, too. This guide’s purpose is to equip first-timers with useful tips on how to go about their hunt. But remember that to become an expert and master the art of catfishing, you’ll need more than reading. So, get out on the water and start practicing!
  • Different approaches. Practicing also means trying out different methods and figuring out what works and what doesn’t. What’s more productive, nighttime or daytime catfishing? Are your odds better in summer or winter? Is stink bait great for every type of Catfish? We can give you tips on what usually brings results, but your approach may vary greatly depending on the conditions, fishery, location, and exact species. And that’s where the fun is! Mix and match until you find your perfect combo.
  • Excellent food. You’ll be pleased to read that Catfish make for excellent table fare. Once you come out victorious from your battle, you’ll not only be blessed with a great story but you’ll also be rewarded with a delicious dinner. Blue and Channel Catfish, for example, have white, tender, and delicate meat. Channel Catfish, meanwhile, is highly valued due to its nutritional flesh. You can fry, grill, or smoke them, and the bites will always be finger-licking good!

Catfish Fishing Seasons

A photo of an angler proudly posing with a huge Blue while standing on a charter boat during the winter angling season and a cold and cloudy day out on the water
Photo courtesy of Wild Thing Guide Service

You may think that catfishing is just a summer thing. Sure, summer is the best time to find Catfish, but you can catch them year-round. It’s not uncommon to even catch Channel Cats through the ice! It varies based on the species, but the general rule of thumb is that they like deep, slow-moving water in winter and shallower, faster water in summer.

Another stereotype about Catfish is that you have to catch them at night. Most people do go catfishing after dark, but that doesn’t mean you can’t land monsters during the day. Here’s a short overview of catfishing during the night and day:

  • Nightime Catfishing. There are two good reasons to go catfishing at night – it’s a lot cooler and the fish show up in much shallower waters. Catfish also feel safer in open water under the cover of darkness. They’re scent-based hunters, so they have no problem tracking down forage in the dark. Flatheads are the most nocturnal species that love to move out of their hiding holes at night.
  • Daytime Catfishing. You can also land Flatheads in the sunshine by working the cover they tend to hide in. Meanwhile, Blue and Channel Cats seem to feed on their own schedule, regardless of the time of day. But one thing to bear in mind is that monster Blues will be more active by day if there’s a strong current to hunt in. In slow-moving waters, they mainly hunt at night. Also, catching Catfish during the day is a lot easier aboard a boat because you can get out to deeper waters. You can also fish from shore, but you’ll have to cast accurately to deeper holes.

Best Catfish Fishing Spots

While you can target Catfish almost everywhere across the globe, we can’t help but point to Texas and Louisiana as two of the best states for catfishing. With the state Blue Catfish record at 121.5 pounds, Texas will always be number one on the list of go-to Catfish fishing spots. But Louisiana isn’t lagging too far behind, either. With the Mississippi River under its roof, Louisiana can brag about 100 lb monsters, too. Believe it or not, a 12-year-old boy landed a 114 lb Blue right near the Mississippi River, taking down the previous record of 110 pounds!

Long story short, neither Texas nor Louisiana lacks record-breaking specimens. This goes for all Catfish species, not just Blues. Plus, these are also two of the states where noodling is legal! So, let’s give them the spotlight they deserve. Take a look at two articles below and learn how to go catfishing in these states:

If you’re curious as to what the best Catfish fishing spots in each state are, here’s a list of the ultimate hotspots to check out:

Once you conquer these waters, feel free to explore other parts of the world and see what Channel Catfish fishing in northern Mexico or southern Canada is like. Hit big-river waters in Missouri in search of Blue Catfish or check out what Minnesota’s Bullhead fisheries have in store for you. You can also discover White Catfish nooks in New York and Florida, or go as far as Thailand looking for Giant Mekong Catfish. The whole world is your Catfish fishing playground!

Fishing Tips for Catfish

Depending on the species you’re targeting, different methods apply. We’ll outline the most useful Catfish fishing tips below, but if you want to dig deeper into what lures, baits, and techniques you should try, read these three articles:

You can fish for Catfish in all kinds of surprising ways, from trolling and fly fishing to noodling. But there are two classic tactics that bring in the most fish: still fishing and drift fishing. Drifting baits under a bobber is especially effective on lakes where there’s less current to spread your scent trail.

Speaking of baits, try small live sunfish for Flathead, live or cut threadfin shad for Blues, and fresh dead bait or stink bait for Channel Cats. As for lures, go for weighted jig heads, spinnerbaits, or crankbaits.

Baitcasting reels are also the way to go for big Cats. When choosing a rod, go for a sturdy holder and fast-action rod with plenty of backbone and bend in the tip to set the hook properly. A 6′ medium-power rod is good for small Channel Cats, while a 7′ medium-heavy rod is perfect for big Blues. Catfish rarely patrol clear waters, so use a 20–30 lb monofilament line for Blues or a 12–15 lb line for Channel Catfish.

Lastly, it’s useful to know where to look for Catfish. Flathead Catfish like current and don’t venture far off the bottom. Blues hunt in open waters around single pieces of structure in lakes or confluences in rivers. Channel Cats can hide anywhere – rocks, boulders, logs, holes, old tires – as long as their cover breaks up the main current and helps them hide and attack prey.

Catfish Fishing Regulations

A photo featuring a proud angler while standing on a charter boat during the colder season and posing with a big Cat he caught in Texas
Photo courtesy of Afternoon & Evening Trophy Catfish

Fishing regulations concerning Catfish vary depending on the location. But one thing is certain – you’ll need a valid freshwater fishing license from the country or state where you plan to go catfishing.

In addition to all the necessary permits, pay attention to bag and size restrictions. Let’s take a quick look at Texas. There’s no minimum or maximum length for Blues but, if you catch Flathead, make sure it’s not smaller than 18 inches. Also, the daily bag for Blues is 10, whereas that limit is 5 for Flathead.

Last but not least, even though you’re casting within the same country or state, rules can differ from fishery to fishery. In Louisiana, for example, there are state-wide rules regarding the legal size of your Blue and Channel Catfish catches. These rules, however, do not apply to Caddo Lake, Sabine River, and Toledo Bend Reservoir where there aren’t any length restrictions.

Long story short, read the rules and regulations carefully before your Catfish fishing trip. Here are some links that can help you prepare for the upcoming adventure:

Catfish Fishing FAQs

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Tanja is a Content Creator at FishingBooker, where she spends her days casting lines and spinning tales about it. She started her journey at FishingBooker 8 years ago as a Captain Coordinator, working closely with our guides and partners. Quickly mastering the ropes, she moved up to an Account Manager role before diving into her true passions – fishing and writing. Tanja got hooked on angling in 2016 after reeling in her first fish from the Mediterranean Sea. Since then, she’s tried everything from deep sea and bottom fishing to shore casting and fly fishing, catching species like Mahi Mahi, Dentex, and Asp along the way.

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J Sto

May 13, 2024

So, not providing the end-all to catfishing, but… my experience (west of the Rockies) as a kid is that there are two types of catfish – channel cat and mudcat (flathead).

For Mud Cat, we would always start at midnight, build a campfire, use a 1-2oz weight with two #2 hooks tied off ABOVE the weight (far enough apart that they wouldn’t catch each other). Then, cast as far out as possible and pull the line taught, rest your pole on a forked stick and watch the end of the rod while drinking beer by the campfire light. When the rod moved (slowly back and forth), set the hook and reel in!

For Channel Cat we would always build a trot line (mostly because we were lazy and wanted to sit by the campfire – see Mud Cat above) with concrete weights connected to plastic milk jugs as floats, crossing the inlet of a river to a lake, where the water slows down a bit. Then tie a large hook every four feet-ish and set the line about half-way to the bottom. The next morning, we would check the line – if the turtles didn’t get to the fish before we did, we would always make a good haul! Yes, sometimes we’d get a Carp or two.

For bait, night crawlers or fish livers (those harvested from bass fishing during the day). My mother told me that they used dough balls soaked in Anise back in Indiana (so successfully that the practice was outlawed in parts of Indiana – where she was from – though I never caught a catfish on a anise-soaked doughball). Nothing off the Bass Pro Shops floor. Fish love worms – all fish!

Last comment: time of year DOES matter – if the fish are nesting in the Spring, they’ll eat anything that lands in their nest. Otherwise, they don’t go out searching for food. Last-last comment: phases of the moon – word from the old guys is that catfish don’t eat during a full moon – I am not sure the phase of the moon had anything to do with our fishing luck – when you’re hungry, you gotta eat! I don’t know if this is a real thing or not.

I am wide open to comments, but I was pretty successful as a kid in California catifishing and drinking beer (illegally, of course). Intuitively, we always looked for moving water near an inlet to a lake – Channel Cat IN the channel/inlet, Mud Cat NEAR the channel, but removed to shallow water.

There’s far more meat per pound in a Channel Cat that in a Mud Cat (mostly becasye their heads are huge), but the are both tasty, tasty – better than Bass of any kind, on a par with Bluegill and Walleye.

Just my two cents from experience.


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  • Marko

    May 13, 2024

    Hi JS,

    Wow! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment, I really enjoyed reading it!

    Honestly, just the way you wrote about drinking beer by the campfire and waiting for the bite made me want to go fishing right now. 😅

    Tight lines,


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Michael C Giles

Nov 11, 2023

Every person that loves to fish has a specialty. My grandparents were crappie. Dad was largemouth. Wife and her dad were smallmouth. Me – Cats. Blues from catfish charlie is what the holy grail seems to be for me. My 6 yo granddaughter is about to have fish (cats, caught this week) and fries with me. God bless fishing. No wonder Jesus was one of us.

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  • Tanya

    Nov 13, 2023

    What a long line of fishing enthusiasts, Michael! There’s nothing more precious than a family tradition. And if that tradition is fishing, we can’t help but obsess about it! Also, can’t wait to see what your granddaughter’s speciality will be 😉 Keep us posted and tight lines!

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Shawn Horton

Aug 12, 2022

Great knowledge here, thanks! I have for some reason always used a lighted bobber during the darker hours, there is nothing like seeing that lighted bobber go streaking under the water. What size of catfish is too big to really enjoy eating? I have only eaten blues and channels.

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  • Rhys

    Aug 12, 2022

    Hi Shawn,

    Thanks for reading and for your kind comment. When it comes to eating Catfish, most people prefer to eat fish that weigh up to 5 pounds, but you can definitely add a couple of pounds to that before it gets dangerous. Bigger Cats contain lots of harmful toxins, so you’ll want to stay away from larger specimens. I hope this helps.

    Tight lines,

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