Introducing User Testing on FishingBooker

Oct 11, 2023 | 2 minute read
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Recently, we’ve been working on making FishingBooker easier to use for everyone who relies on it as a source of bookings. As always, we’re trying to make booking fishing trips seamless – both for customers and for captains. 

Up until the month, we were missing a step in making this happen. And this step meant that we sometimes released updates and improvements that didn’t work as well as they could do. It could also mean not including things you find important, or making updates that are just not that intuitive.

We want to change this. And in order to do so, we need you.

Hand adjusting the final star on a five star rating

What’s New

We introduced a new phase into how we make and improve features on our website. This phase is User Testing. From now on, we’ll run our new products by people just like you – captains who use FishingBooker on a daily business. 

This means two things. You’ll get new features that are more intuitive and better suited to your business. At the same time, you’ll get the chance to share your opinions on our upcoming features directly with us.

Want to see us implementing your suggestions directly onto FishingBooker’s website? Now you can.

What This Means for You

If you sign up for user testing, we’ll make a note of what you mainly use FishingBooker for and how you like to use it. Then, whenever we have a feature that’s relevant to your business that we’d value your opinion on, we’ll get in touch. 

When we have a new feature we’d like you to help us test, we’ll let you know through email. Simply hit reply, and we’ll be ready to start.

We’ll arrange a time to talk and then make a video call, using a special tool that lets you try out a test version of whatever we’re making. While we talk to you, we’ll guide you through a set of tasks, and we’ll learn from you what you think of them and how we can improve them. 

Once we finish the call, all you need to do is sit back. On our end, we’ll get to work, implementing your thoughts and feedback into the final product. 

two people pointing at FishingBooker's calendar app on their phones

Sign Up to Become a Tester

All it takes to sign up today is to fill out a survey. This won’t hold you to anything – it will simply let you register your interest in future tests, which you’re able to opt in or out of depending on your availability and wishes at the time. 

If you’d like your voice to be heard, get in touch. We want to make FishingBooker a better place – and we’d like you to be part of that!

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Cat Tyack spends almost every spare moment she has outside. Whether it's hiking, horseback riding or fishing, she's always looking for her next adventure in the great outdoors. Having been fishing on several continents, her most memorable fishing moment was casting poppers to Mahi Mahi in the shadow of enormous oil barges in the Arabian Sea.

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