Spend the day with Keepin’ it reel fishing charter and find out what the fishing in Victoria is all about! Having logged many hours on these tides, Captain Jeffrey can tell you all about them.
Coho Salmon, Halibut, Chinook Salmon, Pink Salmon, Crab, Salmon, Rockfish, and more can be found in these waters, depending on the season.
For these species, you’re likely to troll and bottom fish using light tackle.
Families making of a day of it will be glad to know that kids are welcome aboard! Children must wear life vests, so find out if the appropriate size is available on board. Don’t forget to bring snacks to ward off any mid-trip fatigue!
Capt. Jeffrey will bring you aboard a 22’ Cuddy cabin with space for 5 passengers. It comes with downriggers, and everything else you need for a productive day on the water. There’s a toilet on board for your convenience.
Capt. Jeffrey has rods and reels for you, as well as lures.
Before coming aboard, it may be required to buy a local fishing license for everyone in your group. This information is usually available online, or you can ask the captain. Some species might be protected or require a tag to keep them, so make sure you know what to expect.
Don’t leave home without sunglasses, sunblock, bottled water, and a hat. If you’d like to bring other drinks. Alcohol is allowed in moderation, just avoid hard liquor as well as glass bottles.
Get in touch with Capt. Jeffrey below and start planning your trip today!