April 03, 2024
Cocoa Beach
11 photos

Black Drum

Spanish Mackerel

Jack Crevalle


Shark (Blacktip)


Shark (Bonnethead)

Shark (Lemon)
Trip Summary
Trip Summary
Space Coast Surf Fishing Rockets Upwards
April didn’t disappoint for surf fishing enthusiasts along the Space Coast! Due in part to the much awaited spring pompano run that hit our coasts with a sonic boom of a bang. Large pompano ranging from 3-4 pounds were consistently landed on local area beaches. Everywhere in Brevard county experienced spurts of this spring run, from Sebastian Inlet to Cape Canaveral. Spring weather blessed us with a crisp essence of cool breezes and pompano. This was essentially rejoiced by all as the final transition into the dog days of summer took effect.
In other headlines, big bull whiting came out to play in April and that's a trend we should see persist into May. Look for whiting to concentrate on outflows and drop offs along the beach. These signature areas can be identified by distinguishing the confused looking surfaces slapping against each other in an unorganized manner. Surf fishing rigs with small hooks accompanied with beads and tipped with Fishbites and shrimp have the best results. Subsequently, pompano typically concentrate in similar areas so be ready with multiple rods to target these hot zones!
Record blue fish blitzing continues late into this 2024 surf fishing season. The sheer size of the bluefish this year is something worth taking note of. In my 30 plus years of surf fishing the Space Coast, I have yet to see such a run. Not only in size and numbers, but the water temperatures seem to have slightly deteriorated the bite. Meaning the onslaught of blue has been consistent, large and with no end in sight. The best way to target bluefish in the surf is using fresh cut bait, rigged on a pompano rig with chartreuse floats.
Shark fishing takes charge! Leading into the great fishing we experienced in April didn’t come without the apex predators of them all. Sharks infiltrated area beaches with high numbers and tenacity. Pompano and whiting were quickly shredded from lines if one wasn’t quick enough to retrieve these fish species. Blacktip sharks, lemon sharks and hammerhead sharks rounded off the top shark species caught in April. Look for this to continue into May with the water temperatures continuing to warm. Fresh cut bait did the trick and outfished the live baits proportionally. Get in on this hot action if you’re looking to hook into a trophy.
Lastly, look for the month of May as a time of year where you can expect to see a different cast of characters appear. Snook and flounder will be pursuing the first and second trough searching for baitfish and crustaceans. May is one of the best times of year to target flounder in the surf. Using swimbaits, soft plastics and diving plugs to work the shorelines with light tackle spinning rods. This method of surf fishing is not only productive, but highly engaging as you cast repeatedly and walk the stretches of shoreline.