Sometimes a plan goes too well!
June 30, 2024 Hampstead 1 photo
Spanish Mackerel
Spanish Mackerel

Trip Summary

Had a last-minute, 3/4 day booking yesterday from a fisherman who, "just wants to catch some mackerel." With 8 hours to work with, I wasn't too concerned about getting into some fish. Unfortunately, with the wind and seas forecast, I wasn't sure we'd be able to get offshore for the bigger king mackerel. I'd been catching a number of undersized kings close to shore, but hadn't seen many bigger ones yet. But what we do have in abundance right now is Spanish mackerel. For those guys, we wouldn't have to be more than a half-mile off of the beaches. I told the client that if he was OK with this, we'd play it by ear when we get out of the inlet, and let the conditions determine how the day would go. I wanted to get out as early as possible before the day heated up, as the best bite is going to be in the coolest part of the day. He was OK with this plan, and as promised, he showed up a good bit before the scheduled 06:00 departure time. The breeze was already stiffening as I loaded the boat, and when we cleared the inlet, the swells were not too bad, but the wind was crossing them and creating a chop. I knew it would be a miserable ride to the offshore water, and because of the wind direction, it would also be a miserable ride home. Fortunately, the nearshore waters were relatively protected in this wind, and not as rough. I put out the Clark spoons and planers and turned back toward the shallower... and calmer... water. It took a few minutes to get to the fish, but then the action got pretty steady with a good class of Spanish mackerel, mixed with blues and the ubiquitous lizard fish. About an hour in, I asked the client to peek into the cooler and get a count, as I had lost track. We had seven fish on ice and had lost at least as many before they got to the boat. We talked about limits and how many fish he wanted to keep (and clean). The limit per person is 15 Spanish, so technically the two of us could take 30 fish. I warned him that 30 is a lot of fish, and asked if he could really use that many. He responded reasonably, and said he thought one limit would be enough. I let him know that if he caught a few extras, I didn’t mind taking home enough for dinner, but I didn’t need a whole pile of fish either. The fish kept coming, and he was getting better at landing them, so after a while I did another count. The catch had tripled, as we now had 21 fish in the box! I checked the clock in the cabin. It was only 09:49! He still had over four hours left on this 3/4 day charter. I asked what he'd like to do... keep fishing and catch a few more, or switch it up and try some slow trolling for kings? He considered the options. It was already blazing hot (into the 90s with high humidity). The wind was still freshening and white caps dotted the water offshore. After a moment, he explained that he didn't know what he would do with more fish, especially not something bigger. This was all he could handle, but he also said he was pretty satisfied, as this trip was already everything he'd wanted it to be. As a captain, this is the kind of thing you like to hear, but at the same time, I felt like he should at least get another couple of hours out of the trip. I offered to take him in at Wrightsville Beach and do a little sightseeing cruise, but he said he was pretty much done with the heat and he still had a long drive home. So we were back at the dock by 10:30, the boat was clean and stowed before 11, the client was on the way home, and less than an hour later, I was back in my easy chair and napping in the air conditioning. Pro Tip Time There’s a good reminder here if you are considering booking a trip. It’s always good to talk to the captain ahead of time and let us work with you to make sure you are booking the best trip for your money. So, for example, if you just want to stay nearshore and target Spanish mackerel (delicious and fun to catch), I usually recommend a half-day trip. Six hours is more than enough time. We don’t have to travel very far and we’re literally fishing almost the entire time. The point is, if you book a trip and choose to end it early for any reason, you’re usually going to be charged the full price. If it helps, think of it like this. You are buying a day off of the captain’s calendar. If you don’t use the whole day, we can’t put it back on the shelf and sell it to someone else. It’s always easier to negotiate for a longer day than to ask for a refund for “unused time.”
Phillip Loughlin
Hampstead, North Carolina, United States
Katfish Kayak And Fishing Adventures, Llc thumbnail
Katfish Kayak And Fishing Adventures have a simple motto: If you don’t want someone to bring the fish to you, let them take you to the fish. They offer traditional fishing charters but also provide a mothership for Kayak fishermen. They can take you...

Other reports from this captain

Fun Fishing Trip Turned River Tour
Fun Fishing Trip Turned River Tour
September 29, 2024
We had a great half-day trip on Sunday with some of the crew from Plastic Ocean Project (POP). POP is an organization dedicated to reducing plastic pollution in our oceans and waterways, as well as education and research about this issue. It's a cause we fully support in whatever small ways we can, including the donation of a charter trip to use as a fundraising opportunity. They auction or raffle the trip during their annual Gala, with the proceeds going to the organization. This year, Jenna, one of the POP staff won the trip and wanted to just get out and experience some time on the water with a few of her teammates. New to fishing, she asked if we could give that a try and of course I was happy to oblige. It's a great time of year for it, and I was pretty sure we could make something happen. We started out with some nearshore fishing, hoping to capitalize on the fall run of Spanish mackerel and false albacore (bonita or little tunny, depending on where you're from). The water was still a little murky from all of the storms and local flooding, but the birds were active and we could see fish feeding. We set out some Clark spoons and waited for the action. It took longer than I'd expected, but one of the planer lines went off and something started ripping line off the reel. There was no question in my mind that a bonita was on the other end, so I handed the rod to Jenna. Most people are surprised by the strength of these fish the first time they pull on one, and this was not going to be an exception. Nevertheless, with a little bit of assistance and lots of cheering from the rest of the crew, the fish came to the boat. It was a little reluctant to pose for photos, but we got it done and sent it back over the side to carry on with its day. It was a beauty of a day with a gentle, rolling swell, but sometimes even that is a little too much for some folks. One of the crew was definitely feeling the effects, and after a little conversation we decided to head inland and turn the fishing trip into a sightseeing tour. We ran down the beach to Wrightsville, and then went inland to the Intracoastal Waterway. Boat traffic wasn't all that bad, so I decided to run us south, cut across to the Cape Fear River, and then tour up toward Wilmington. It's always a pretty ride through Snow's Cut, and the Wilmington riverfront remains one of my favorite sights. Along the way, when we spotted floating trash, we stopped to see if one of the crew could catch it in the net. There wasn't as much as I expected, considering all the flood water still coming down the Cape Fear, but I think almost everyone got a chance with the net. Overall, it was one more great day aboard the Canyon Wren. The POP crew were a lot of fun, everyone had great attitudes and flexibility to switch from fishing to touring, and they brought along some of the best cinnamon rolls (with bacon!) I think I've ever eaten! Now is the time for prime, late season fishing! The cooler weather means no sweltering in the sun, and the fish are feeding their way south. We'll be running trips until the water temps drop into the mid-60s, which usually means late November, so check your calendar and drop us a line! We'd love to get you out there. Also, check out the Plastic Ocean Project at PlasticOcean dot Org, and learn more about what they're about.
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Short trips, fun weekend
Short trips, fun weekend
July 21, 2024
Ran a pair of "Kids' Fun Trips" over the weekend, beginning with a group cashing in their Christmas Gift Certificate. These two young anglers, ages 10 and 7, came ready to roll. Dad and grandpa were there to supervise. The weather has been spotty the past couple of weeks, with consistent wind and choppy seas, but we found a relatively sheltered piece of nearshore water and set out the Clark spoons in search of hungry Spanish mackerel. I'd like to say the fishing was hot and heavy, but the only thing hot and heavy on Saturday was the sun and the humidity. The little men were troopers, though, and they were on the job when the fish did bite. They were able to put enough keeper Spanish on the boat for a fresh catch dinner, and the smaller fish were consistent enough to keep boredom at bay. And really, that's the idea of these Fun Trips... it's not about filling the cooler. It's about giving the youngsters some time on the water. Sunday's trip was originally scheduled for Saturday, but due to the changing weather conditions I switched them around. Even after the switch, the forecast had me worried. As it turned out, though, we were surprised with one of the nicer days I've had in a while... at least for nearshore fishing. This couple was young, but not exactly kids. Their objective for the trip was just to try to catch something good to eat... and to have fun doing it. I was clear at the beginning of the trip that sometimes, these short trips don't give us enough time to find a hot bite, but they weren't concerned. They were just happy to get out for one more adventure before heading home to Raleigh. I changed up my rigging for this trip, downsizing to smaller, 0 and 00 Clark spoons. The Spanish are feeding on tiny glass minnows right now, so the idea was to, "match the hatch," so to speak. I'm not sure it had a big impact, but we did get into a few more fish than Saturday. We were able to land a few pretty decent Spanish (for mid-summer), and tossed back a few little ones and a stray bluefish. When the timer ran out, they had enough fish to take home for a couple of fine dinners. We're heading into the dog days of summer now, but there are still some fish around. Come on down and look us up.
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