Milwaukee, Coho! In or out it’s all good
May 26, 2016
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Trip Summary
Trip Summary
Milwaukee, Coho! In or out it’s all good!
By Milwaukee Wisconsin fishing charter Capt. Jim Hirt
Coho and Chinook Report 5/25/2016 Salmon are hot! Join us in Milwaukee!
It was mostly a spoon bite for Chinooks with Coho on flies. The pattern hasn’t changed. Coho are filling the box with limits possible. The big Chinooks are also in. Chinook are coming on small or magnum size spoons. Reapers and Vulcans made by Badger Tackle have been working for us. The small silver Vulcan in green or blue has been hot on the downriggers. Run them 50 feet behind the ball 45 feet down to the bottom. Six inch flashers or dodgers with green or blue Howie’s peanut flies also caught fish. Tie your flies 14.5 inches on 6 inch dodgers, 16 inches for 6 inch flashers. All orange dodgers and flashers. I hope this helps. Slide Diver are producing with flies set at 3 no ring 40 feet of line out.
Lake Trout action was slow today but we didn't fish their favorite spots.
For all fish speed has been very critical with the warmer 51 degree water. I use the Depth Raider to measure speed at the ball. The Chinook are hitting Reaper Magnum Glow spoons at first light and blue or green with silver back all day. The boat speed of 2.2 to 2.4 has been best. The faster speed triggered the Chinook action.
Fish are hanging in close to shore or 125 to 200 feet. We did not get out over 200 feet of water yesterday. Head straight out to 125 or fish inside of 50 feet. Have a great fishing season. Let's go fishing! Note All alone we put together groups at $125 per person. Jim charters out of Milwaukee, WI. with Blue Max Charters. Copyright© 2016, James J. Hirt, All Rights Reserved.