Fishing is Hot!
August 22, 2021
4 photos & 1 video

Trip Summary
Trip Summary
The fishing IS hot. So is the weather… But the warm temperatures have not slowed the fishing down. The action has been very good with a surprise out of the blue… Blue Marlin that is, but I’ll get to that in a moment.
Just a mile from shore the Bonito (Little Tunny) have been biting well offering us plenty of action. While not great table fare, they fight hard as they are a false Tuna. Often, multiple fish on at the same time. This gets everyone involved and all have a chance to bend the rod.
Mixed in with the Bonito are Kingfish and some Blackfin Tuna. Now we are into edible fish. The smaller Kings are good when fresh. The Blackfin Tune is sushi grade so you can’t go wrong. When we say a fresh fish dinner? It’s doesn’t get any better or fresher than that!
Mahi- mahi fishing, further from shore, has been inconsistent. The longer the trip, the better chance of success. The fish we have been catching have been legal to keep so that’s a bonus. Usually this time of year, lots of throw backs are what we’re catching. Wahoo have been scarce but should be more predominant soon. September/ October are good months for these.
Every once in a while you run into something you don’t expect. This is where opportunity meets preparedness, as was the case the other day with Jimmy, Dan and their group of anglers. While searching for Mahi out in the deep blue, a Blue Marlin decided to eat one of the baits. The fight was on! And it shouldn’t have lasted long but did.
We prefer catching these magnificent Gamefish on tackle suited for them. The TLD 30 with 30# test is not the rod you want this bite on. And a fight that lasts over 3 hours on that kind of tackle has you sweating at each run he makes. But when all is said and done? The release at the boat makes it all worthwhile.
And the traditional swim after catching your first Blue was honored by Dan, his first one. As I said, it’s been hot so the push into the water was welcome. Not so much in January…
Hope to see you soon.
Capt. Steve
Lady Pamela 2 Fishing
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