October Red Hot Bite
September 21, 2021
10 photos & 1 video


Grouper (Gag)


Trip Summary
Trip Summary
October leads to some of the best fishing we see all year! The inshore bite will be on fire this month! We can expect to see large schools of redfish on all of our common flats. This includes the mouth of the Anclote river, west of gulf harbors , cow key and all of the areas in between. My favorite bait for redfish will be a cut bait on the bottom. Take a pinfish and cut the head tail and fins off and it makes the perfect bait! In these same areas we can expect to see snook, trout and even some cobia showing up! Have a line rigged on some heavier tackle with no weight to pitch to these fish.
Offshore: the nearshore grouper bite is really taking off at the moment ! Trolling and casting plugs at these fish is by far my favorite technique, however freelined pinfish or white bait in a split work just as well! Kingfish should be showing up this month as well. Target hard bottom in 20-50 feet of water bump trolling larger streamline bait fish .
Tip of the month: bring lots of bait ! Wether it be offshore or inshore, all of our species can be chummed up ! If you chum they will come! Tarpon fishing outfitters sells great tools to aid in chumming, so make sure you ask your associate on their favorite tricks and techniques!