From the mountains to the ocean
September 06, 2018 Wanchese 8 photos
Spanish Mackerel
Spanish Mackerel

Trip Summary

Had a wonderful group today from Maryland and West Virginia it was a very nice family. We started out catching some Spanish mackerel just make sure they got plenty of reeling and then finished it off with going a little bit deeper and search for something bigger. We did locate a bigger Spanish but unfortunately we did not find the king Michael like we were looking for from the crew of the fishing taxi tightlines give us a call let us take you fishing!
Doug Sullivan
Wanchese, North Carolina, United States
Fishing Taxi Sportfishing thumbnail
Fishing Taxi Sportfishing is a company led by Captain Doug Sullivan, an experienced and knowledgeable angler. A 5th-generation fisherman, he has decades of experience fishing the Atlantic Ocean. His son, Capt. Josh Sullivan, currently runs the "Taxi&...

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