FishingBooker Key West Fishing Report Ja
January 10, 2023 Key West 1 photo

Trip Summary

First let me start off by wishing everyone a Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR ?. Capt Art here. We have been fishing mostly 6 hour trips. Which enables us ample time to Fish offshore for Mahi,Tuna, Sailfish. The Winds havebeen out of the E and NE which is an incredible wind for targeting Sailfish, and other Pelagicfish during the winter months off Key West. Our last 3/4 trips out we're successful in targeting Sailfish. We have been catching them trolling S of Key West on Ballyhoo. In addition to Sailfish, there have beensome Great eating fish that we caught on the reef as well. Mutton Snapper, Yellowtail snapper, Cerro, Spanish,and King Mackerel. We keep our anglersBusy, and filled with excitement. We also have been catchingDolphin. Saturday we caughta Pair of Teenagesized dolphin with another schoolie with them. Fishing is above average for this time of year. We would love to take you on your next fishing adventure in Key West... Capt. Art Duplesis Owner/Operator- WildBill Charters
Art Duplessis
Key-west, Florida, United States
Wild Bill Sport Fishing thumbnail
Wild Bill Sportfishing runs offshore fishing trips out of Key West. Whether you want to explore the Gulf waters or the Atlantic side of Florida coast, you got it. Will Bill Sportfishing is exactly the type of charter you need to scout around these fisheri...

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