July 05, 2020 St. Bernard 1 photo
Speckled Trout
Speckled Trout

Trip Summary

What a day down in shell beach!! Fishing is hott rite now down here and we are eating it up!! We started early cause they had a plane to catch so they had to leave early. Lucked out and founs the trout stacked up on the first stop over a oyster reef. We ended thier limits of trout and wanted to put these indiana boys on some hard fighting redfish. We hit the ponds and on the second stop foundna point with good tide and bait rolling through. It was on!! First cast hooked up with a stud redfish. Almost every cast after that we were hooked up with good redfish!! Fishing with live shrimp under a popping cork..
Ryan Williams
St-bernard, Louisiana, United States
Reel Southern Fishing Charters thumbnail
Located just 30 minutes away from the beautiful city of New Orleans, Reel Southern Fishing Charters can navigate you through the beautiful pristine marshes of Hopedale, Delicroix, or Biloxi marsh and can assure you a good time and have some wonderful sigh...

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